Durable Blue
Vleugelnootstraat 11
6823 NT Arnhem
The Netherlands
+31(0)6 838 00 851

info@durableblue.nl www.durableblue.com

Working area and experience

Foreign clients can be offered:

  • advice in the field of water and sediment management, regarding technical issues as well as processes, such as:
    • the organisation of meetings, for instance for knowledge sharing
    • problem solving: connect different groups an interests
    • make sediment management and dredging process effective
    • comparative research for international laws and regulations
    • make knowledge practically applicable to your situation
    • practical ‘translation’ of rules and regulations to your situation

My clients are organisations and authorities with water goals or commissioned to execute water tasks such as water boards, water governments, consulting companies and port authorities.

Below please find my references and experience which also includes projects from former employments. My CV can be send at your request.

Experience Employer/Client Period of time
Organisation knowledge meeting on sediment (law and soil water research) Port of Rotterdam 2013
Senior advisor sediment research Certicon 2013-present
Programme Manager Water, enhance the standards of activities relating to soil and sediment management SIKB 2009-present
Coordinator platform Baggernet (dredging network) MWH 2012-present
Teacher MWH course ‘sediment management in practice’ MWH 2011-present
Member CROW working group developing a standard for inland dredging contracts, CROW MWH 2011-present
Project leader, enhance the standards of activities relating to sediment management at water boards (8003) SIKB 2011-present
Senior advisor preparations of dredging activities Prorail and Water Board Brabantse Delta MWH 2011-2012
Advisor account management Prorail, water boards, Department of Waterways and Public Works and large contractors MWH 2011-2012
Advisor product development Asset Management in water management MWH 2011-2012
Project leader composition SIKB guidelines for measuring dredging volumes SIKB 2010-2012
Editor MWH Manual Sediment management volumes 1 and 2 MWH 2009-present
Process manager/Chairman SIKB platform Temporary groundwater drainage SIKB 2009-present
Project leader BRL SIKB 1200 for ground water drainage SIKB 2009-present
Advisor Water Law policy implementation SIKB 2009-present
Advisor project management PM BOK implementation MWH 2009
Administration SIKB platform quality assurance SIKB 2009-2011
Account manager/ senior advisor sediment management MWH 2009-2012
Advisor/testing coordinator Iris dredge module, HWH MWH 2008
Project leader composition NEN 5720 and 5717, guidelines for the Investigation Strategy for the environmental quality of sediments NEN MWH 2007-2009
Senior advisor strategic advise water management for a.o. Prorail, Water Board Hunze en Aa’s, Waternet MWH 2006-2012
Project leader preparation dredging for a.o. Municipality of Tiel, Municipality of Muiden, Water Board Rijn and Ijssel and Water board Scheldestromen MWH 2006-2011
Contract manager (UAV) dredging activities for Municipality of Beuningen, Water Board Aa en Maas, Municipality of Schijndel MWH 2006-2008
Strategic consultant sediment management at Water Board Waternet RPS 2004-2005