Vleugelnootstraat 11
6823 NT Arnhem
The Netherlands
+31(0)6 838 00 851
info@durableblue.nl www.durableblue.com
Welcome at Durable Blue
Durable Blue (Guido Ritskes) advises public and private organisations on water and sediment management issues. Profound analysis and identification of complex questions within these working areas lead to structural solutions. Guido organises meetings to share knowledge, clarifies law and legislations to understandable, open information and makes water knowledge practically applicable.
For more information and examples: Working area and experience
Common theme in the activities is to provide insight by generating an overview in the complex water working field and the cross connection with other working areas, such as soil management and environmental planning. There is plenty of water knowledge at hand, however its availability leaves a lot to be desired. Now this knowledge should be accessed, shared and made applicable. And next: move forward effectively!